
Documentation for the 14-BIT ADC board fabrication and assembly.

  1. specification.pdf : Board specification drawing.
  2. assembly_top.pdf : Board assembly drawing - top side.
  3. assembly_top_detail.pdf: detail of one ADC channel, top side - all 16 ADC channels have identical layouts.
  4. assembly_bot.pdf : Board assembly drawing - bottom side
  5. assembly_bot_detail.pdf: detail of one ADC channel, bottom side - all 16 ADC channels have identical layouts.
  6. component_placement_report
  7. Gerber files : The Gerber files used in  board fabrication (zipped).
  8. neutral_file
  9. net_lengths
  10. 14_BIT_ADC_BOM_PROTO.xls: Bill of Materials - Prototype
  11. 14_BIT_ADC_BOM_PROTO_audited.xls: Bill of Materials - Prototype_audited


For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.
Revised: August 2007 By Mircea Bogdan