Testing one Preamp/Shaper/Driver Channel

April 19, 2007
Mircea Bogdan

Performed breadbord functional testing for one single Preamp/Shaper/Driver channel, to be used in the 14-Bit, 125 MHz ADC Board.
In this example I used the following Preamp/Shaper/Driver Schematic.
These tests are preliminary.

The picture below presents the breadboard implementation. The ADC Driver U3 (AD8139) not included.


This picture presents:
- the input signal (in yellow), negative pulse from the PMT; generated here with a LeCroy 9210 generator;
- the differential amplifier output signal U2-7(in blue); this pulse goes to the ADC driver implemented with an AD8139.
The circuit gain can be adjusted by replacing R1, R2, R11, R13.


This picture presents:
- the input signal (in yellow), negative pulse from the PMT; generated here with a LeCroy 9210 generator;
- the differential amplifier output signal U2-7(in blue); this pulse goes to the ADC driver implemented with an AD8139;
- the ADC Driver U3 outputs: U3-4 OUTp (in red), U3-5 OUTn (in green).
Channels 3 and 4, in this picture, show the required input swing for the ADC chip, in order to achieve full dinamic range.


This picture presents the same signals, with a smaller input pulse.


For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.
Revised: April 20, 2007