TDC project - FPGA design

This page has the programming files and the archived Quartus II projects for the NuTDC Board as of 8/18/2004(vme_chip) and 10/5/2005(main_chip).

  • TDC CHIP - OLD XFT STYLE  main_chip.qar-old_style : archived Quartus project for the TDC chip.

  • To restore the archived project:
    Download the Archive file (main_chip.qar) and save it.
    Start Quartus II Version 4.1, Service Pack 2 or higher.
    Choose Restore Archived Project.
    In the Archive name box, type the path and file name (main_chip.qar).
    In the Destination folder box, type or select the path of the folder into which you wish to restore the contents of main_chip.qar.
    Click OK.
    If necessary, recompile the project,
    Check the file, it should not change.

    To program the board without restoring the main_chip Quartus II project:
    Download the main_chip.pof-old_style and main_chip.sof-old_style files.
    Create a Chain Description File (.cdf): choose New (File menu), click the Other Files tab, select Chain Description File, click OK.
    Create a chain with main_chip.pof as the first and  third file and main_chip.sof as the second and fourth file respectively.
    Save the .cdf file.
    With the .cdf file open, check the device you wish to configure (EPC16 or EP1S30F780) and choose Programming Device.

  • TDC CHIP - NEW XFT STYLE  main_chip.qar-new_style : archived Quartus project for the TDC chip.

  • To restore the archived project:
    Download the Archive file (main_chip.qar) and save it.
    Start Quartus II Version 4.1, Service Pack 2 or higher.
    Choose Restore Archived Project.
    In the Archive name box, type the path and file name (main_chip.qar).
    In the Destination folder box, type or select the path of the folder into which you wish to restore the contents of main_chip.qar.
    Click OK.
    If necessary, recompile the project,
    Check the file, it should not change.

    To program the board without restoring the main_chip Quartus II project:
    Download the main_chip.pof-new_style and main_chip.sof-new_style files.
    Create a Chain Description File (.cdf): choose New (File menu), click the Other Files tab, select Chain Description File, click OK.
    Create a chain with main_chip.pof as the first and  third file and main_chip.sof as the second and fourth file respectively.
    Save the .cdf file.
    With the .cdf file open, check the device you wish to configure (EPC16 or EP1S30F780) and choose Programming Device.

  • TDC VME64 Chip tdc_vme_chip.qar : archived Quartus project for the TDC VME64 chip.

  • To restore the archived project:
    Download the Archive file tdc_vme_chip.qar and save it.
    Start Quartus II Version 3.0, Service Pack 2 or higher.
    Choose Restore Archived Project.
    In the Archive name box, type the path and file name (tdc_vme_chip.qar).
    In the Destination folder box, type or select the path of the folder into which you wish to restore the contents of tdc_vme_chip.qar.
    Click OK.
    If necessary, recompile the project,
    Check the file, it should not change.

    To program the board without restoring the TDC VME64 Quartus II project:
    Download tdc_vme_chip.pof and  tdc_vme_chip.sof files.
    Create a Chain Description File (.cdf): choose New (File menu), click the Other Files tab, select Chain Description File, click OK.
    Include tdc_vme_chip.pof as the first and  tdc_vme_chip.sof as the second file in the chain; save the .cdf file.
    With the .cdf file open, check the device you wish to configure (EPC2 or EP20K100Q240) and choose Programming Device.

    For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.
    Revised: Nov. 2004 By Mircea Bogdan