1 |
 2 Bottom surface of bottom veto with electronics |
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 18 Science channel with top foam and top veto paddle removed |
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 21 Science channel deflection during upside-down hang before center clips added |
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 23 Fully assembled science channel |
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 25 Crest ConnUS test instrument |
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 33 Platform with honeycomb during fit-check |
 34 Scott Wakely jumping on science channels |
 35 Chuck Bower and Alex Shoyer assembling science channel |
 36 Chuck Bower and Alex Shoyer installing module hold-down rods |
 37 Rich Northrop during early gondola assembly |
 38 Balsa model showing solar panel rotation with Nahee Park holding science channel |
 39 First three science channels assembled on platform with end handling brackets showing |
 40 Indiana University assembly lab |
 41 Science channel with top light seal |
 42 Center bottom veto support honeycomb panel |
 43 Corner slanted inside veto PMTs |
 44 Science channel center hold-down clip and slanted center veto PMTs |
 45 Side veto clamp review |
 46 Bottom view showing channel electronics |
 47 Solar panel frame being welded |
 48 Nahee Park checking first solar panel assembly |
 49 Batteries during assembly |
 50 Battery assembly with controllers and handles |
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 58 Bottom view of platform |
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 69 Scott Wakely and Nahee Park checking power panel |
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 73 Crest instrument in shipping container |
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 81 SIP support and isolation G-10 blocks |
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 88 Solar panel bracket analysis before top strap added |
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 93 Center beam end stress concentration before compression blocks added |
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 102 Mike Lang and Alex Shroyer working on lower section electronics |
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 104 First solar panel testing at The University of Chicago |
 105 Channel end cable clamps and heat straps |
 106 Adam Brozynsli and Lin Zhou working on solar panel packing |
 107 Channel mount nut stress before large radius added |
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 111 Bottom veto support honeycomb closeout during construction |
 112 PCU main structure parts |
 113 Side top vetos |
 114 Inside veto assembly |
 115 Solar panels being assembled at The University of Chicago |
 116 Channel study small holes |
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120 |
 121 Gondola Platform under 30,000 lb. UDL load on center I beam & parallel outside channels |
 122 Crest/Antarctica Christmas eve launch |
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 124 Crest flight path – 10.5 day duration |
 125 Additional side loading of 5,000 lbs. (each corner) with addition of 5000 lb. side loading |
 126 Center beam deflection under 10 G loading |
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 129 Early CREST concept revisited for CREST 2. This design would eliminate material under the detector |
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 133 Prepared for May collaboration meeting |