vme_register_image_create - Enables a VMEbus register access image.


int vme_register_image_create ( vme_bus_handle_t bus_handle, vme_vrai_handle_t * window_handle, uint64_t vme_addr, int as, int flags )


vme_bus_handle_t bus_handle

Handle allocated by vme_init.

vme_vrai_handle_t * window_handle

Pointer to the window handle to allocate.

uint64_t vme_addr

VMEbus address.

int as

VMEbus address space. Valid values are:

- VME_A16
- VME_A24
- VME_A32
int flags

Flags indicating special window features. A value of 0 indicates that driver default values will be used. If a value is specified, it must be a bitwise "OR" of the following values for the Tundra Universe II device.

One of the following address modes can be used. If a mode is not specified, the window responds to accesses in either mode.

- VME_CTL_PROGRAM_ONLY - Respond to program address modifiers only.
- VME_CTL_DATA_ONLY - Respond to data address modifiers only.

One of the following address privileges can be used. If a privledge is not specified, the window responds to accesses of either privledge.

- VME_CTL_SUPER_ONLY - Respond to supervisor address modifiers only.
- VME_CTL_USER_ONLY - Respond to user address modifiers only.


Enables a VMEbus register access image.


0 on success, or -1 on failure.


Only one VMEbus register access image can exist at any time.

