VMIEEP-7809: Example Program for Accessing a Serial EEPROM on the SMBus


Loading the Prerequisite I2C Modules
Running the VMIEEP Program


The vmieep program provides an example of accessing a serial EEPROM on the SMBus on GE Fanuc single board computers (SBCs). SBCs currently supported include:

  • VMIVME-7809

This list may not be complete. If your board is not listed please contact GE Fanuc Customer Care to confirm support.

Warning: Do not run the vmieep program on unsupported boards. Damage may result which could make the board unbootable.

This document describes the usage of the vmieep example program for accessing a serial EEPROM on the SMBus on GE Fanuc SBCs.

This document assumes that you have some knowledge of the Linux operating system and C programming for POSIX/UNIX machines.



To use the vmieep program, it must first be compiled into executable code. The file vmieep.h is #included by default into vmieep.c. Comment out this #include if 'redefinition' warnings occur.

The next code listing illustrates how to compile the vmieep program.

Code listing 1: Compiling the VMIEEP Program

// From the vmieep-7809 base directory execute:
sh$ gcc -O vmieep.c -o vmieep

Loading the Prerequisite I2C Modules

The Red Hat Linux distributions contain I2C device drivers for accessing the SMBus. Three modules must be loaded before the vmieep program will work.

Code listing 2: Loading the I2C Modules

// Log in as root, then use the following commands to load the I2C modules:
sh# /sbin/modprobe i2c-core
sh# /sbin/modprobe i2c-dev
sh# /sbin/modprobe i2c-i801

Use the /sbin/lsmod to verify these three modules are loaded.

Loading the i2c-i801 module will create /dev/i2c-0, with permissions = CRW- --- ---. Either run the vmieep program as root, or change the permissions to CRW- RW- RW- using chmod 666 /dev/i2c-0

Running the VMIEEP Program

To run the program, go to the vmieep-7809 directory and enter ./vmieep. The program will display the first sixteen bytes in the EEPROM, write a pattern to the first sixteen bytes, and redisplay those first sixteen bytes.

Warning: The vmieep program will overwrite the first sixteen bytes in the EEPROM.

Code listing 3: Source code for the vmieep example

/*  This program is an example of writing and reading an EEPROM device via 
    SMBus on a GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. VMIVME-7809 Single Board

    To compile this program:
        gcc -O vmieep.c -o vmieep

    Before running this program, log in as root, then load the following 
    modules using:

       /sbin/modprobe i2c-core
       /sbin/modprobe i2c-dev
       /sbin/modprobe i2c-i801

   Loading the i2c-i801 module will create /dev/i2c-0, with 
   permissions = CRW- --- ---.  Either run the vmieep program as root, 
   or change the permissions to CRW- RW- RW- as shown:

       chmod 666 /dev/i2c-0


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

/* The inline smbus function definitions may or may not be in i2c-dev.h,  
   depending on the Linux distribution.  Comment or uncomment the following 
   #include as necessary. */
#if 1
#  include "vmieep.h"

#define EEPROM_SIZE   256    /* Adjust for actual number of bytes in EEPROM */
#define EEPROM_SMBUS_ADDR  0xAC  /* Do NOT change! */

int gef_eeprom_read(int fd, unsigned char start_offset, unsigned char *buffer,
                    unsigned short buflen);
int gef_eeprom_write(int fd, unsigned char start_offset, unsigned char *buffer,
                    unsigned short buflen);
void gef_msec_delay(unsigned int msecs);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int fd;   /* File descriptor initialized with open() */
    int status; /* Return code from ioctl() */
    int adapter_num = 0; /* To match with /dev/i2c-0 */
    char filename[20];  /* Name of special device file */
    int i2c_addr = EEPROM_SMBUS_ADDR; /* SMBus address of EEPROM */
    unsigned short offset; /* Which byte to access in the EEPROM */
    unsigned short dataSize = 16; /* No more than EEPROM_SIZE */
    unsigned char rbuffer[16]; /* Data read from EEPROM */
    unsigned char wbuffer[16] = 
        /* Data written to EEPROM */
        0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
        0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F

    /* Open the special device file for the SMBus */
    sprintf(filename, "/dev/i2c-%d", adapter_num);
    fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
    if (fd < 0)
        printf("ERROR: open(%s) failed\n", filename);
        printf("errno = %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    printf("SUCCESS: open(%s) passed\n", filename);

    /* Specify the EEPROM as the device we want to access.
       *** IMPORTANT ***
       The address is actually in the 7 LSBs, so shift
       i2c_addr one bit to the right.*/
    status = ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, i2c_addr>>1);
    if (status < 0)
        printf("ERROR: ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, 0x%02X) failed\n", i2c_addr);
        printf("errno = %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    printf("SUCCESS: ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, 0x%02X>>1) passed\n", i2c_addr);

    /* Read data from the EEPROM */
    offset = 0;
    if (gef_eeprom_read(fd, offset, rbuffer, dataSize) < 0)
        printf("ERROR: gef_eeprom_read() failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* Dump the data read from the EEPROM */
    for (offset=0; offset<dataSize; offset++)
        printf("Offset: %02d   Data: 0x%02X\n", offset, rbuffer[offset]);

    /* Write data to the EEPROM */
    printf("\nPress ENTER to write to the EEPROM");
    offset = 0;
    if (gef_eeprom_write(fd, offset, wbuffer, dataSize) < 0)
        printf("ERROR: gef_eeprom_write() failed\n");
        return -1;
    printf("SUCCESS: Data written to the EEPROM\n");

    /* Read data again from the EEPROM */
    printf("\nPress ENTER to read again from the EEPROM");
    offset = 0;
    if (gef_eeprom_read(fd, offset, rbuffer, dataSize) < 0)
        printf("ERROR: gef_eeprom_read() failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* Dump the data read from the EEPROM */
    for (offset=0; offset<dataSize; offset++)
        printf("Offset: %02d   Data: 0x%02X\n", offset, rbuffer[offset]);

    /* Close the special device file */

    return 0;

// Function name : gef_eeprom_read
// Description   : Read buflen bytes from the EEPROM beginning at start_offset
// Return type   : 0 for success, -1 for failure
// Argument      : int fd : File descriptor returned by open()
// Argument      : unsigned char start_offset : Read bytes starting at this
//                     offset in the EEPROM.  The sum of buflen and 
//                     start_offset must not exceed the maximum size in bytes 
//                     of the EEPROM
// Argument      : unsigned char *buffer : Where to store the bytes read
//                     from the EEPROM.  The buffer must be large enough
//                     to store buflen bytes read from the EEPROM.
// Argument      : unsigned short buflen : The size in bytes of buffer, or
//                     how many bytes to read from the EEPROM.  The sum of
//                     buflen and start_offset must not exceed the maximum
//                     size in bytes of the EEPROM.

int gef_eeprom_read(int fd, unsigned char start_offset, unsigned char *buffer,
                    unsigned short buflen)
    int offset, index;
    int data;

    for (index=0, offset=start_offset; index<buflen && 
        offset<EEPROM_SIZE; index++, offset++)
        data = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fd, offset);
        if (data == -1)
            printf("ERROR: i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fd, 0x%02X) failed\n", 
            printf("errno = %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
            return -1;
        buffer[index] = (unsigned char) (data);

    return 0;

// Function name : gef_eeprom_write
// Description   : Write buflen bytes to the EEPROM beginning at start_offset
// Return type   : 0 for success, -1 for failure
// Argument      : int fd : File descriptor returned by open()
// Argument      : unsigned char start_offset : Write bytes starting at this
//                     offset in the EEPROM.  The sum of buflen and 
//                     start_offset must not exceed the maximum size in bytes 
//                     of the EEPROM
// Argument      : unsigned char *buffer : Where to get the bytes to write
//                     to the EEPROM.  
// Argument      : unsigned short buflen : The size in bytes of buffer.  
//                     The sum of buflen and start_offset must not exceed the 
//                     maximum size in bytes of the EEPROM.

int gef_eeprom_write(int fd, unsigned char start_offset, unsigned char *buffer,
                    unsigned short buflen)
    int offset, index;
    int status;

    for (index=0, offset=start_offset; index<buflen && 
        offset<EEPROM_SIZE; index++, offset++)
        status = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(fd, offset, buffer[index]);
        if (status < 0)
            printf("ERROR: i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(fd, 0x%02X, 0x%02X) failed\n", 
                offset, buffer[index]);
            printf("errno = %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
            return -1;

        /* Delay while the byte write completes */

    return 0;

// Function name : gef_msec_delay
// Description   : Delay for a number of milliseconds before returning
// Return type   : void 
// Argument      : unsigned int msecs : The number of milliseconds to delay

void gef_msec_delay(unsigned int msecs)
    struct timeval s_current, s_start;
    struct timezone tz;
    unsigned int current, start;
    /* Get initial time */
    gettimeofday(&s_start, &tz);
    start = s_start.tv_sec*1000000 + s_start.tv_usec;
    /* Loop until msecs time have elapsed */
        gettimeofday(&s_current, &tz);
        current = s_current.tv_sec*1000000 + s_current.tv_usec;
    } while ((current-start) < (msecs*1000));

Copyright 2006 GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, Inc. Questions, Comments, Corrections? Email support.embeddedsystems@gefanuc.com.