4-CCD Pitch Adapter Flexible PCB (Rev.A and Rev.B)






  1. 3006_SCH_B.pdf : Schematic drawing
  2. 3007_SPC_B.pdf : Flex PCB specification sheet
  3. 3008_ASM_B.pdf : Flex PCB drawing - top side.
  4. 3007_Gerber files_B: The Gerber files used in  board fabrication (zipped).
  5. Plots of Gerber files_B in pdf.
  6. 4CCD_PA_Pads.xlsx: Coordinates of Flex Cable Bonding Pads
  7. 3007_Connection_List_B: List of all connections in the board.




  1. 3006_SCH.pdf : Schematic drawing
  2. 3007_SPC.pdf : Flex PCB specification sheet
  3. 3008_ASM.pdf : Flex PCB drawing - top side.
  4. 3007_Gerber files : The Gerber files used in  board fabrication (zipped).
  5. Plots of Gerber files in pdf.
  6. 4CCD_PA_Pads.xlsx: Coordinates of Flex Cable Bonding Pads
  7. 3007_Connection_List: List of all connections in the board.


For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.
Revised: October 2021 by Mircea Bogdan