Schematics of the PreFRED-AUX board

  1. sheet1.pdf : Top level diagram
  2. sheet2.pdf : Rec&Con1
  3. sheet3.pdf : Custom_P3
  4. sheet4.pdf : Rec&Con2
  5. sheet5.pdf : ECL
  6. sheet6.pdf : VME_bus_P0
  7. sheet7.pdf : NIM
  8. sheet8.pdf : VME_bus_P2
  9. sheet9.pdf : POWER

  10. Obs. The following design changes were implemented:
    -soldered 180 Ohm-0402 resistors between pins 2 & 3 of U10 and U11 on the component side(Sch. 5);
    -pins 1 & 2 and 11 & 12 of U21 and U22 were lifted from the pads and crossed (Sch. 7);
    -on each connector NIM0, NIM1, NIM2, NIM3 a 50 Ohm-0805 resistor was soldered between the hot pin and
    GND(connector case) on the solder side (Sch. 7).

For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.
Revised: March 15, 2004