8 July 2004 TEST COMMANDS [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 3c 1 -- Puts both chips in test mode vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x3c, value 0x1 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 c 220040 -- Sets pipe size and length for chip 0 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0xc, value 0x220040 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 1000c 220040 -- Sets pipe size and length for chip 1 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x1000c, value 0x220040 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 4 ffffffff -- Sets mask for chip 0 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x4, value 0xffffffff [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 10004 ffffffff -- Sets mask for chip 1 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x10004, value 0xffffffff [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 8 ffffffff -- Sets mask for chip 0 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x8, value 0xffffffff [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 10008 ffffffff -- Sets mask for chip 1 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x10008, value 0xffffffff [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 3c 0 -- Puts both chips back operation mode vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x3c, value 0x0 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 2c 1 -- Puts both chips in VME_L2a mode vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x2c, value 0x1 Now, I used the cdf teststand software to send a level 1 accept for the data in buffer 1. The commands I used are listed below: H200 "sync H008 "L1 reject--don't know why need this, but all samples have it H200 "sync H014 "L1 accept -> buffer 1 H002 "L2 word H008 "L1 reject--again, don't know what this is for [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 1c 1 -- Level 2 accept for data in buffer 1 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x1c, value 0x1 TEST DATA The test data we used was of the following form. Wire Hits Ones Zeroes Example (pattern repeats every 11 bits) 24 4 5 6 11111000000 11111000000 . 25 4 6 5 11111100000 11111100000 26 0 2 9 11000000000 11000000000 27 4 7 4 11111110000 11111110000 28 4 4 7 11110000000 11110000000 29 1 9 2 11111111100 11111111100 30 4 5 6 11111000000 11111000000 31 4 6 5 11111100000 11111100000 32 4 4 7 11110000000 11110000000 33 4 7 4 11111110000 11111110000 34 0 3 8 00011111111 00011111111 35 1 8 3 11111111000 11111111000 This data repeats every 13.2 ns (11*1.2). In our results, we are looking for differences of 11 between the hits. In some cases, this could be 12 if we drop a leading bit. And in some cases, the widths will be off by one if we add or lose a bit. In looking at the test data for wire 24, it can be noted that given the pattern, the number of hits that should be found is four. But, for wires 29 and 35, only one hit will be found because there is no group of four zeroes to signal the end of the hit. For the same reason, wires 26 and 34 will have no hits because there is no group of four ones to make a hit. Our test data was only used on one chip on the board. For the other chip, all the wires were set high. The results showed that every wire had a single hit, starting at 00 and with length FF, which is what was expected. The following tests were run on the chip with the test data by issuing a new level 1 accept and then a new level 2 accept. Buffer 1 was used for all the tests. RESULTS #1 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001474 --Info word 99999999 --wires 7..0 99999999 --wires 15..8 99999999 --wires 23..16 cc9cc8cc --wires 31..24 999998ca --wires 39..32 99999999 --wires 47..40 For this test we tied all wires high, except for the twelve we used in our test. The twelve we used were wires 24 - 35. According to the output above, wires 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31 and 33 had four hits each (c), wires 26 and 34 had zero hits (8), wires 29 and 35 had one hit each (9) and wire 32 had two hits (a). This is a total of 68 hits. This command reads the hit data of chip 0. The number of words read is 34 because we know from the hit count that there are 68 hits total. Each word here stores two hits, so half of 68 is 34. [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 34 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 --hit wire 1, hit wire 0 ff00ff00 --hit wire 3, hit wire 2 ff00ff00 --hit wire 5, hit wire 4 ff00ff00 --hit wire 7, hit wire 6 ff00ff00 --hit wire 9, hit wire 8 ff00ff00 --hit wire 11, hit wire 10 ff00ff00 --hit wire 13, hit wire 12 ff00ff00 --hit wire 15, hit wire 14 ff00ff00 --hit wire 17, hit wire 16 ff00ff00 --hit wire 19, hit wire 18 ff00ff00 --hit wire 21, hit wire 20 ff00ff00 --hit wire 23, hit wire 22 04120407 --hit #2 wire 24, hit #1 wire 24 --Note that 1 bit was dropped on wire 24 0428041d --hit #4 wire 24, hit #3 wire 24 --should have widths of 5 06120607 --hit #2 wire 25, hit #1 wire 25 0628061d --hit #4 wire 25, hit #3 wire 25 07120707 --hit #2 wire 27, hit #1 wire 27 0728071d --hit #3 wire 27, hit #3 wire 27 04120407 --hit #2 wire 28, hit #1 wire 28 0428041d --hit #4 wire 28, hit #3 wire 28 0407ff00 --hit #1 wire 30, hit #1 wire 29 --Wire 30 dropped 1 bit on all hits 041d0412 --hit #3 wire 30, hit #2 wire 30 --should have widths of 5 06070428 --hit #1 wire 31, hit #4 wire 30 061d0612 --hit #3 wire 31, hit #2 wire 31 04070628 --hit #1 wire 32, hit #4 wire 31 --Wire 32 dropped 1 bit sometimes 070704d8 --hit #1 wire 33, hit #2 wire 32 --so we only found 2 hits, instead of 4 071d0712 --hit #3 wire 33, hit #2 wire 33 ff000728 --hit #1 wire 35, hit #4 wire 33 ff00ff00 --hit wire 37, hit wire 36 ff00ff00 --hit wire 39, hit wire 38 ff00ff00 --hit wire 41, hit wire 40 ff00ff00 --hit wire 43, hit wire 42 ff00ff00 --hit wire 45, hit wire 44 ff00ff00 --hit wire 47, hit wire 46 #2 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 0000143f 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc98c8cc 999998c8 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 05130508 --24-2, 24-1 0529051e --24-4, 24-3 06130608 --25-2, 25-1 0629061e --25-4, 25-4 07080400 --27-2, 27-1 0400, the data started in the middle of the hit 071e0713 --27-4, 27-3 0409ff00 --30-1, 29-1 041f0414 --30-3, 30-2 0509042a --31-1, 30-4 051f0514 --31-3, 31-2 0400052a --33-1, 31-4 0400, the data started in the middle of the hit 07130708 --33-3, 33-2 ff00071e --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note wires 28 and 32 dropped 1 bit on all hits, so no hits were found because they were all of length 4. Wires 30 and 31 also dropped 1 bit on all hits. #3 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 0000146b 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc99c8cc 999999cc 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 05110506 --24-2, 24-1 0527051c --24-4, 24-3 06110606 --25-2, 25-1 0627061c --25-4, 25-3 07110706 --27-2, 27-1 0727071c --27-4, 27-3 ff00043e --29-1, 28-1 05110506 --30-2, 30-1 0527051c --30-4, 30-3 06110606 --31-2, 31-1 0627061c --31-4, 31-3 04110406 --32-2, 32-1 0427041c --32-4, 32-3 07110706 --33-2, 33-1 0727071c --33-4, 33-3 ff06043d --35-1, 34-1 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wire 28 dropped 1 bit on some hits, so only 1 hit was found instead of 4. Wire 34 picked up a bit which means 1 hit was found when there weren't any there. #4 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 0000142e 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc9cc8cc 999998cc 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 04140409 --24-2, 24-1 062a041f --24-4, 24-3 06090400 --25-2, 25-1 0400 data started in middle of hit 061f0614 --25-4, 25-3 07090500 --27-2, 27-1 0500 data started in middle of hit 071f0714 --27-4, 27-3 04140409 --28-2, 28-1 042a041f --28-4, 28-3 0409ff00 --30-1, 29-1 041f0414 --30-3, 30-2 0400062a --31-1, 30-4 0400 data started in middle of hit 06140609 --31-3, 31-2 0409061f --32-1, 31-4 042a0414 --32-3, 32-2 05000436 --33-1, 32-4 0500 data started in middle of hit 07140709 --33-3, 33-2 ff00071f --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wires 24 and 30 dropped 1 bit on some hits and gained 1 bit on one hit. The length for the hits on wire 24 should be 5, but have 3 of length 4 and one of length 6. #5 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001405 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc9cc8cc 999998cc 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 050a0400 --24-2, 24-1 0400 data started in middle of hit 05200515 --24-4, 24-3 060a0500 --25-2, 25-1 0500 data started in middle of hit 06200615 --25-4, 25-3 070a0600 --27-2, 27-1 0600 data started in middle of hit 07200715 --27-4, 27-3 0415040a --28-2, 28-1 042b0420 --28-4, 28-3 0400ff00 --30-1, 29-1 0400 data started in middle of hit 0515050a --30-3, 30-2 05000520 --31-1, 30-4 0500 data started in middle of hit 0615060a --31-3, 31-2 040a0620 --32-1, 31-4 04200415 --32-3, 32-2 0600042b --33-1, 32-4 0600 data started in middle of hit 0715070a --33-3, 33-2 ff000720 --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 #6 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme bilbo write 20 1c 1 vme write to bilbo slot 20 addr 0x1c, value 0x1 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 0000141e 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc9cc8cc 999999cc 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 05120507 --24-2, 24-1 0529061d --24-4, 24-3 06120607 --25-2, 25-1 0629071d --25-4, 25-3 07120707 --27-2, 27-1 0729081d --27-4, 27-3 04120407 --28-2, 28-1 0429051d --28-4, 28-3 0507ff00 --30-1, 29-1 061d0512 --30-3, 30-2 06070529 --31-1, 30-4 071d0612 --31-3, 31-2 04070629 --32-1, 31-4 051d0412 --32-3, 32-2 07070429 --33-1, 32-4 081d0712 --33-3, 33-2 041d0729 --34-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ignore, 35-1 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wire 34 picked up a bit which lead to finding a hit where there shouldn't have been on. Also, notice that all hits that started at time 1d, picked up an extra bit. #7 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001422 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc98c8cc 999998c8 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 04100405 --24-2, 24-1 0426041b --24-4, 24-3 05100505 --25-2, 25-1 0526051b --25-4, 25-3 06100605 --27-2, 27-1 0626061b --27-4, 27-3 0405ff04 --30-1, 29-1 041b0410 --30-3, 30-2 05050426 --31-1, 30-4 051b0510 --31-3, 31-2 07040526 --33-1, 31-4 071a0610 --33-3, 33-2 ff040725 --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wires 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31 and 32 all dropped 1 bit. This results in no hits being found on wires 28 and 32 which should have had 4 hits of length 4. #8 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001456 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc99c8cc 999998c9 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 040e0403 --24-2, 24-1 04240419 --24-4, 24-3 060d0503 --25-2, 25-1 05240618 --25-4, 25-3 060e0603 --27-2, 27-1 06240619 --27-4, 27-3 ff0204c9 --29-1, 28-1 040e0403 --30-2, 30-1 04240419 --30-4, 30-3 050e0503 --31-2, 31-1 05240519 --31-4, 31-3 070204c9 --33-1, 32-1 0718070d --33-3, 33-2 ff020723 --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wires 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31 and 32 all dropped 1 bit at various points, which resulted in losing hits on wires 28 and 32. #9 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001472 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc98c8cc 999998c8 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 050d0502 --24-2, 24-1 05230518 --24-4, 24-3 060d0602 --25-2, 25-1 06230618 --25-4, 25-3 070d0702 --27-2, 27-1 07230718 --27-4, 27-3 0502ff02 --30-1, 29-1 0518050d --30-3, 30-2 06020523 --31-1, 30-4 0618060d --31-3, 31-2 07020623 --33-1, 31-4 0718070d --33-3, 33-2 ff020723 --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wires 28 and 32 dropped 1 bit resulting in no hits being found. #10 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001473 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc99c8cc 999998c9 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 05140509 --24-2, 24-1 062a051f --24-4, 24-3 06090400 --25-2, 25-1 061f0614 --25-4, 25-3 07090500 --27-2, 27-1 0500 data started in middle of hit 071f0714 --27-4, 27-3 ff00042b --29-1, 28-1 05140509 --30-2, 30-1 062a051f --30-4, 30-3 06090400 --31-2, 31-1 0400 data started in middle of hit 061f0614 --31-4, 31-3 0500042b --33-1, 32-1 0500 data started in middle of hit 07140709 --33-3, 33-2 ff00071f --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wires 28 and 32 dropped 1 bit resulting in some hits not being found. #11 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001444 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc99c8cc 999998c9 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 050d0502 --24-2, 24-1 05230518 --24-4, 24-3 060d0602 --25-2, 25-1 06230618 --25-4, 25-3 070d0702 --27-2, 27-1 07230718 --27-4, 27-3 ff02042f --29-1, 28-1 050d0502 --30-2, 30-1 05230518 --30-4, 30-3 060d0602 --31-2, 31-1 06230618 --31-4, 31-3 0702042f --33-1, 32-1 0718070d --33-3, 33-2 ff020723 --35-1, 33-4 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wires 28 and 32 dropped 1 bit at various times resulting in some hits not being found. #12 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 900000 7 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x900000 read 28 bytes 00001482 99999999 99999999 99999999 cc99c8cc 999999cc 99999999 [maryh@blue fdaq]$ vme_block bilbo read 20 800000 36 b vme read from bilbo slot 20 addr 0x800000 read 144 bytes ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 06120507 --24-2, 24-1 0529051e --24-4, 24-3 07120607 --25-2, 25-1 0629061e --25-4, 25-3 08120707 --27-2, 27-1 0729071e --27-4, 27-3 ff000413 --29-1, 28-1 06120507 --30-2, 30-1 0529051e --30-4, 30-3 07120607 --31-2, 31-1 0629061e --31-4, 31-3 05120407 --32-2, 32-1 0429041e --32-4, 32-3 08120707 --33-2, 33-1 0729071e --33-4, 33-3 ff000412 --35-1, 34-1 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 ff00ff00 Note that wire 28 dropped 1 bit at various times resulting in some hits not being found. Wire 34 added 1 bit which resulted in a hit that shouldn't be there. Finally, note that all hits which began at time 12 have an extra bit. (This corresponds with the incorrect hit on wire 34.)