The TDC Board - Chicago



Schematics Rev.B64 - The TDC64 preproduction  schematics in pdf format.

Schematics Rev.B - The TDC preproduction  schematics in pdf format.

Schematics - The TDC prototype  schematics in pdf format.

Layout_Rev.B64 - TDC64 preproduction board fabrication and assembly documentation.

Layout_Rev.B - TDC preproduction board fabrication and assembly documentation.

Layout - TDC prototype board fabrication and assembly documentation.

Parts Reference - Component Data sheets.

Altera Quartus II Design Files - Archived projects, Programming Object Files and some instructions.



Documentation and Related Materials:

TDC-II Design and Specification: Run IIB TDC for the COT, Version 0.01, June 29, 2004

Run IIB TDC-II Address Space, Version 0.02, Sept. 22, 2004

Run IIB TDC-II Address Space, Version 0.01, June 29, 2004

How Ed and Ed48 word Rev2-6/28/04

For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.


Updated on  Sept. 2004.