
Documentation for the Module fabrication and assembly.

NOTE: Only components in the 2930_BOM.xlsx file are to be installed on the board.

Ignore all other listings in the Neutral File and in the Component Placement Report.

  1. 2929_Specification.pdf : Board specification drawing.
  2. 2929-STK: PCB stackup
  3. 2930_Assy_Top.pdf : Board assembly drawing - top side.
  4. 2930_Assy_Bot.pdf : Board assembly drawing - bottom side.
  5. Neutral_File
  6. Component_Placement_Report
  7. Net_Lengths
  8. Net_Report
  9. 2929_Gerber files : The Gerber files used in  board fabrication (zipped).
  10. Plots of the Gerber files in pdf.
  11. 2930_BOM.xlsx: Bill of Materials - Prototype: Assembly of a full board
  12. 2929_ASM_MNT.pdf: Mezzanine Card Drawing
  13. FPGA_HeatSinkTop - Mezzanine Top, FPGA_HeatSinkBot - Mezzanine Bottom

For questions regarding this page contact Mircea Bogdan.
Revised: Nov 2019 by Mircea Bogdan